Damn if this isn’t the second slow song I’m posting out of my last few posts, stretching many inactive months.
Graveyard is touring now and you folks need to check them out. I’m planning to see them in Philly on February 13th.
So refreshing to see a band (remember those?) with long stringy hair playing guitars (remember those?). Oh yeah, I forgot about all the pop punk garbage shit.
My two girls were home for Thanksgiving and, in the car – I swear – all they would play is that fucking Adele song OVER AND OVER AGAIN, interspersed with that fucking Justin Bieber song OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
God help us all.
P.S. – I particularly love the chord changes during the part where the ladies are singing background.
Excellent. A little Black Crowes, but they’re Swedish! Sounds great, and ill be there at Bowery Ballroom in March or Central Park in May. Opening for Mastadon? That’s pretty awesome.
Mastodon confuses me, one of those bands that I’d really like to like, but I don’t. I think they’re a little too mechanical – missing that “swing” element we’ve discussed before. Supposedly, they were all in the crowd at the NYC Turbonegro show I went to a couple years ago.
If you have any suggestions on the best Mastodon for beginners, I’m open.