Two Year Old, Glory Days (car karaoke)

Cute video making its way around the way things make their way around today.

No doubt, this song is hooky as heck, and I think the two year old gets it right. When asked to sing “throws that speedball by you, makes you look like a fool,” the tyke seems a little nonplussed.

Either he knows that a speedball is a shot of half heroin and half cocaine, or…

He knows no one in baseball calls a fastball, even a hot one, a speed ball.

Here’s what Paul Dickson says in the Baseball Dictionary:

speedball n. the fastball

Alright, okay, maybe I’m wrong. But I’ve never heard anyone ever call a fastball a speedball. Except Springsteen. This has always struck me as one of the jankiest lyrics by a guy who usually gets it right.

A Kinks Korrection

I posted about the wonderful Kinks song, Berkeley Mews, a mash up of rock and beer hall styles that was the b-side to Lola, a couple of years ago, partly because I loved the line quoted in my original post. It just seemed too perfect.

And it was. Turns out the word “shitty” should be “chilly,” and when you listen that way it surely is.

But shitty is better.

Sorry for the inconvenience.