Finally, A Cause I Can Get Behind October 20, 2014 by Steve Moyer Lorde’s “Royals” banned in San Francisco. Let’s take this nationwide! And make it permanent! I’m not posting the video because everything about it is too sucky. Share this:FacebookLinkedInEmailTwitterMoreTumblrPinterestReddit
Just on a couple of radio stations, it is off the playlist. I had heard that song a few times, but didn’t really take notice till this, though. They can ban “Don’t Stop Believin” though, everywhere, always as well. I hate that song. Reply
Lawr didn’t provide a link to SF banning Lorde, so I don’t know the law. As a rock song it’s pretty weak, but as an expression of the expression of money and class, I think it rocks. But it’s not a rock song, per se. Sorry for the confusion. Reply
And this is way different than a Journey song. Though Steve Perry’s songs aren’t about Royals either. Reply
Just on a couple of radio stations, it is off the playlist. I had heard that song a few times, but didn’t really take notice till this, though.
They can ban “Don’t Stop Believin” though, everywhere, always as well. I hate that song.
Ban everything by Journey while they’re at it.
At least it seems like you hate Journey too, Jennifer, and i thank you for that.
Lawr didn’t provide a link to SF banning Lorde, so I don’t know the law. As a rock song it’s pretty weak, but as an expression of the expression of money and class, I think it rocks.
But it’s not a rock song, per se. Sorry for the confusion.
And this is way different than a Journey song. Though Steve Perry’s songs aren’t about Royals either.