I’ve been amused at how many times I’ve seen Anthony Kiedis in his Off! hat in reference to the Peppers playing the Super Bowl. It would make it the best Super Bowl halftime show ever if he actually wore it there. Do you think they’d let him wear it if he wanted to? It would be nice to forcibly expose the Beyonce and Lorde and Justin Bieber and Imagine Dragons goofuses to some cool culture.
Couldn’t agree more!
The first time I saw the Chili Peppers was at the Lone Star Cafe, back when it had a giant iguana on the roof at Fifth Avenue and 13th Street. It was a fairly small club with incredible bookings. This was just before the first RHCP album had been released, and the place was buzzing.
What was funny, however, was that a lot of a certain kind of people hadn’t actually heard the Chilis but made some assumptions because of their name and presumably their desire to be among the cool ones. One of those was Dan Rather, who was standing next to me down front on the floor in front of the stage, wearing jeans and a regular shirt. Just like a regular news anchor in mufti. I wish I could say we chatted, but we did not, but squeezed together with a whole lot of other folks holding sweating beers, glances were exchanged.
What we did do is feel the buzz as the band took the stage. The excitement in Dan’s eyes was very real. I don’t have any idea what they played first, but I remember the Texan Rather’s face going all WTF, because this wasn’t any smoking Norteno band, and the great newsman heading for the door in short order.
What’s funny about the Super Bowl halftime show is that the Chilis are psyched to be the Opening Band(!) for Bruno Mars, a pop singer who at his best sounds a little like Sting while Sting’s being autocratically asphyxiated, in front of the most noxious pop sounds Steve Moyer will ever hear.
Good luck with that!
I am not a huge Chilis fan. They are ok, and I have some of their stuff. I do think Flea is one of the more interesting bass players (not unlike Mike Watt, Les Claypool, or even Geddy Lee) around.
But, RHCP are Lindsay’s all time fave band, so even though she is not a huge football fan (not that she isn’t a jock) she is coming to spend the weekend with us and watch the game. And, I am psyched as I love it so much when our niece spends time with us (sigh, old childless couples with too many animals have to be grateful for what we can get).
And, well, I created a new category called “Lindsay Says” where I can make some Night Music entries for the bands she has turned me onto (eg, I first heard Circle Jerks thanks to her).