Pretty excited about seeing Uncle Acid Sunday night in Philly. Just got the new album yesterday and this is my favorite so far:
The typical Uncle Acid Lennon/Sabbath mix works particularly well on this poppier-than-usual tune. The verse reminds me of Cinnamon Girl a little. Don’t see how you can’t keep from bobbing your head by the time the Iommi outro guitar solo is singing.
The tour has just started, the album just came out. If these guys are playing in your area, you really owe it to yourself to go. Tickets are cheap and, for me, there’s nothing like seeing a so-far somewhat undiscovered band still in a small venue on the way up. Paying $150 a ticket to watch dots on the stage or the TV screen has never been my cup of tea.
If I can get to the show in NY tonight I will. I like the Lennon/Sabbath mix, spiced with some Cinnamon Girl.
I like it but it’s a little, you know, slow.