I’m playing this album every day. I’m in love.
These guys have heard the old guys, they know the Stones, but they know the 12×5 Stones, and the Gloria Them, and they know a lot more. And they’ve heard the new guys, like the Replacements (ha ha), and the White Stripes. But they don’t sound like any of them, exactly. They constant work through each song to add more riffs, change up the rhythms, take it to another level. They have synthesized all kinds of stuff into an ideal rock amalgam, full of classic riffs but stumbly, loud and exhuberant, like it was all brand new.
If I had a band it would sound something like this. Could I be their Andrew Loog Oldham?
What you won’t find much of is YouTube material, but the whole album is available on Google All Play, which I subscribe to, and today I found this page at MySpace.com, which seems to be the whole album. I’m sure they’re on Spotify and Rhapsody and all else.
The song I want you to listen to is this one.
But listen to them all. These guys are old school, but they’re not nostalgic. They’re too young to be nostalgic. They’re making great music, is all.
OK, I’m getting this album. (I hope you can get it from Amazon CD, because I’m allergic to downloading – I still need something to hold and look at. Bricks and mortar!)
Peter, I’m inspired by the fact that you’re listening to the whole album instead of single-songing it like a 12-year-old.
Your praise paragraph contains a lot of similarities to a praise paragraph I would write for my beloved ‘Copters.
I’ve been in a real rut musically lately and almost wrote a post about it. Since I was about 12-years-old, a big part of my life has been mining for great music outside the mainstream. I’m finding less and less as the years go by and, sadly, I feel like perhaps music has finally passed me by. (My last great discovery was Graveyard, that’s months ago, and I now have all their albums, so I’m dry.)
I’m finding music that’s new to me is falling into one of two categories:
1) It sucks. (Alright Lawr, it sucks to me. I can’t lie to myself and pretend to like it in the spirit of fake open-mindedness.)
2) I’ve heard the same thing done better by bands I already know.
I’m beginning to think I already own every good album there is. I know that’s not true, but kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find.
Kick me, Hans Condor. I’ll be your Andrew Long Noodle.
Steve, I would never ask you to pretend you like something you don’t, and god forbid, don’t patronize. Maybe more than anything the thing I like about you is your directed passion (your truth in the R. Crumb sense, and I tell you, open your mind a tad and watch Mr. Pickles, and your Crumb genes will be amused, unless you are above it).
Saying “it is shit to me” takes care of it.
I just bought the Hans Condor download, without hearing any of it, so…
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