Played Cream Of The Crap Volume 1 on my flight from Chicago to Philly tonight. This song makes me want to hijack the plane every time. First the orig, then the Hellas. Notes:
1) The Victims has a clever vocal (guy from Hoodoo Gurus – never knew that) and a cool guitar sound. Hellacopters rocks it exponentially maniacally (as usual). “Rocks like a moose” says a youtube comment (Provocative Moose perhaps?).
2) If you’re not sick of this chorus by the end of these two plays, you’re a better man than I.
3) Old people music.
4) Guy next to me started watching the football game tonight on his tablet, which was extra good along with Cream. Then he switched to Food channel. Really?
The most interesting thing to me is that the song starts out sounding like one of those Nanker Phelge tunes, only sort of New Wave. But the Hellacopters crush the dynamics and rock the hell out of it.
Oh, my other thought was that the bands were rocking and I was falling asleep. I need more than this, for joy. This is fine for getting by.