The Best Album AC/DC Hasn’t Made In The Last 30 Years

My foray into death metal has been interrupted by another Amazon Santa CD I received in the mail that I’d been wanting for quite a while – ’77’s 21st Century Rock.

These guys truly get what made AC/DC great and it has nothing to do with Brian Johnson’s screech or Back In Black. It’s three-chord boogie-woogie rock ‘n roll, the kind of music that makes one want to strut around the room like Bon Scott.

This song:

is the same as this song:

But they’re both great songs. (I must admit, the AC/DC is still better in the side-by-side taste test.)

Why doesn’t AC/DC sue the shorts off these guys? Maybe they understand that imitation is the best form of flattery and that 21st Century Rock is the best AC/DC album since Highway To Hell.

Anyone who isn’t smiling during three-chord boogie-woogie rock ‘n’ roll is no friend of mine. (OK, you still are, but it seemed like a fine phrase with which to end the post.)

P.S. – I’ve been through Wolverine Blues once now and it’s somewhat difficult. A little bit more of an aural assault than even I am used to. The good news is there are bits and pieces there that I found myself liking. Even one whole song. Again, I’ll keep you posted.

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