Song of the Week – Highly Strung, Orianthi ft. Steve Vai

Ignored            Obscured             Restored

Today’s SotW is “Highly Strung”, an instrumental by Orianthi featuring Steve Vai tha’t custom made for guitar lovers.  I’ve never heard an instrumental with a more perfect title.  It describes the music as well as the guitars that it features. 

Orianthi is an Australian, woman guitarist.  She’s also a singer/songwriter, but on “Highly Strung” she just shreds.  38 now, she’s been performing in bands for 24 years, ever since she was only 14.  Still, she’s hardly known in the US by the masses, despite gigs with Alice Cooper and Michael Jackson and one Billboard top 20 song, “According to You”, in 2009.

But you have to admit, “Highly Strung” rocks!

Enjoy… until next week.

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