RIP: Steve Moyer (1960-2018)

It is with extreme sadness that I must report the departure of one of the core Remnants, Steve Moyer.

Steve, with whom I have worked and been friends for over 25-years, was indeed one-of-a-kind: brash, opinionated, fierce, funny, direct, loyal with a mischievous mind and mouth like no one else I know.

Of course like the core Remnants I met Steve via our other common love: baseball. So for those of us driven by the forces of the diamond and the guitar, endless hours of talk just flew from our mouths when assembled.

And, that “assembly” happened a couple of times each year. In the fall we all gathered for the Arizona Fall League, and over the first three weeks of March. For, the coming of March means the annual Fantasy Baseball industry tour together among various First Pitch conferences, Spring Training, The League of Alternative Baseball Reality (LABR), the XFL, all culminating with Tout Wars in New York City.

Last night, as we gathered after the American League LABR auction, we got the news that Steve, who was to be drafting in the National League LABR auction tonight, had passed away in his sleep at his hotel after handling some business before joining us in baseball nirvana.

I will leave it with that.

But, since Steve was such a music junkie, as I got into the car to drive back to my hotel last night, I plugged in my shuffle and wondered just what song Spotify would deliver as the tune to contemplate the passing of Steve Moyer, and amazingly–and somewhat eerily–Elton John’s Funeral for a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding came on.

Now, I know Steve well enough to know that he would hate being remembered by Elton John of all people, but sorry, the universe gave me what it gave me. Although below, I also added the vid to his favorite song, Search and Destroy by Iggy and the Stooges.

RIP Steve. Your friends. Your family. Your colleagues. Your industry will all miss you to the max.



35 thoughts on “RIP: Steve Moyer (1960-2018)

  1. I didn’t know Steve except as a byline on the Stats, Inc. website, not until LABR 1998. There I gave out copies of Wise Guy Baseball and about a week later I got an email from Steve praising me to the skies. I was nobody and I was thrilled and touched. The next year LABR was in Tampa, and as soon as John Menna and I arrived at the hotel there was Steve with John Coleman. We sat up drinking and talking into the wee hours, amazed at how much we had in common. I’ve never quite understood the baseball/rocknroll connection that is the basis for this website, but no doubt it is a strong connection and we four are far from the only ones who feel it in our business.

    That night was the first of many in the years since. As Lawr says, the annual trips to Phoenix and wherever LABR and Tout Wars were held were always highlights of the year. In the early 2000’s at Tout Wars, Steve introduced me to Michael Salfino and Scott Pianowski. I knew Scott a little from the year when Tout Wars was held in Steve’s basement (I later heard people bitching about the lack of space but Johnny and I loved it). Steve said to us, “Gene is the best baseball writer and you two are the best football writers, so I thought you should know each other.” Since then the four of us would have dinner every year in New York, delighting in each other’s company. We would send emails to each other scorning the latest faddish nonsense/sloppy thinking that alas permeates our business. Steve was a master of the sarcastic and he railed with the best of them. But you know that.

    He loved heavy music, as you also know. Generic, who cares, just give him some loud guitars/bass/drums. Supershit 666. Turbonegro. Except for his odd love of country music, which just goes to show that you can never really pin anyone down.

    The world is less fun and less interesting today. RIP Steve, and I hope we meet again in a better world. Until then you will not be forgotten, I promise you that.

  2. This is so sad. Steve was my main operations man at STATS, Inc. during it’s tremendous growth period in the 1990s. He was the master of data collection in baseball. In the early 2000s after we had both left STATS Steve approached me about starting up a company that would go even deeper than we did at STATS. He wanted to collect pitch type, location and velocity on every at bat of every game in baseball. It had never been done before. That became Baseball Info Solutions. Steve was the president of BIS for its first 10 years.

    I will forever have a debt of gratitude to Steve. He and his family will always remain in my thoughts and prayers. May he rest in peace.

  3. Although I’ve been contributing to this blog for several years, I did not know Steve personally. I only knew him through his posts and comments. Steve’s commentary was often incendiary. I never took his provocative remarks personally. In fact, I always felt they reflected the true spirit of Rock ‘n Roll.

    When I started posting to this blog, my goal was to expose readers to music I love that they may not have ever heard – or to remind them of great songs they have forgotten. I wanted to focus on the positive. But like everyone, I occasionally have a bone to pick.

    One time I wrote a post criticizing Eagles Don Henley that included a video of Mojo Nixon doing his “Don Henley Must Die.” Steve made his most memorable comment to one of my posts. It simply said “Rock Remnants needs more of this.”

    RIP Steve, you will be missed.

    And for the rest of my life, every time I hear a song by The Hellacopters, I’ll think of you.

  4. I worked under Steve in the mid-1990s, and he was as understanding as a boss as they come. As Gene McCaffrey said above, the world is less interesting now than it was a few days ago.

  5. I only got to see Steve 2-3 times a year, but they were always very enjoyable times. I always appreciated his insights on baseball and life and will miss hearing the next “sabermetric darling” on draft day.

  6. Like so many of you, I was shocked to hear of the passing of Steve Moyer. The first time I talked to Steve, I had just been hired by stats in the late 1990s to fill the fantasy baseball position. He had replaced Rob Neyer in the same role a few years earlier. He wished me well in my new job, offered a few suggestions. While we were never close friends, seeing him at first pitch and Tout Wars events was like catching up with a life long friend.

    When I was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and Steve found out about it, he sent me a long thoughtful note encouraging me to fight and that I would beat the cancer. We all saw the rough/ funny side of Steve from time to time, but he really was a really caring friend. RIP my friend.

  7. Horrible news. I am in shock. What a great guy. I only got to see Steve a couple of times a year but they were always memorable moments. Our world lost a great one. RIP Steve

  8. Thanks to all for the tributes to Steve. We were friends for over 20 years and shared many interests. He was one of a kind and always very true to himself. We lost one of the good guys and he will be missed.

  9. I am shocked by the news of Steve’s death. Steve deserved a long happy life. This is so sad. I will always remember Steve’s passion. Steve wore his heart where everyone could see it. One thing we can all take comfort in knowing is that Steve pursued his dreams. The world is a better place because he did.

  10. I met Steve about 15 years ago at a Toutwars party and we spent the next 5-6 hours over drinks and dinner talking fantasy baseball. I was enthralled.

    The following week, he wrote a a blog entirely dedicated to me and praised me effusivey. He didn’t need to do that and I was both shocked and flattered. At that time, other than Gene McCaffery, no one knew me and I subsequently went on the win NL Toutwars three times in five years. But, that was Steve, generously writing about a stranger he just met.

    Toutwars weekend will not be the same without Steve.
    Thank you, buddy.

  11. Steve and I worked together for about 6 months. What drew us together was our abiding love of baseball.
    The memory of Steve I will have forever is from a business meeting of all things. Steve and I were across the table from one another with a third party on the phone. We were discussing the conditions of my impending departure. When Steve was asked to chime in with his opinion he totally supported me in knowing opposition to the influential party on the phone (who immediately went into a rage in response to Steve’s comment). Steve had the opportunity to say nothing yet chose to say what he viewed as the right thing despite the probable negative consequences to himself. I can count the number of times I have seen that sort of expression of integrity in my life on one hand.
    The total amount of honesty, integrity and character in the world is less with Steve’s absence. Even though our contact was infrequent I’ll miss him.

  12. I last saw Steve at the Crossroads Hotel in Hellertown, PA this past November. Halfway between where I was visiting and where he was living, it had become the perfect spot for our annual catch-up. Cheesesteaks, calzones, Yuenglings, good stuff.

    Steve had been my first boss at STATS 25 years ago and we have been friends ever since. Always entertaining, ever-inquisitive. . . I don’t have nearly enough friends who are remotely like him. He was serious about everything but not too serious about anything.

  13. It’s been a few days and I’m still in shock, as everyone is. I thought we’d have Steve Moyer around for many more years. A terrible loss. A terrific guy.

    The first word I think of with Steve is authentic. You knew who he was, where he stood, how he felt about things. There were no pretenses with Steve, no fakeness, no airs, no shifting personalities for different groups of people. He was who he was. A zero-BS guy. A unique guy. Sui generis.

    Steve was a person who was openly passionate about things (especially baseball and music) but never took himself too seriously, which I find to be a wonderful (if somewhat rare) combination. You could not have a better conversation partner. He would have things to say, he would let you talk, he would respectfully challenge where you disagreed. If he didn’t understand a point or a nuance, he’d ask. For a guy who was smart and knew he was smart, he never flashed an ego or big-timed anyone.

    I thought we’d have 20-30 more years of sharing and agreeing and disagreeing over a beer or two. Tomorrow is generally likely, but never guaranteed. Mostly, I just miss my friend. It leaves a mark, it leaves a scar, because Steve Moyer mattered to us. I don’t know anyone like him. Some people, some friends you can’t replace.

  14. This is Samantha, Steve’s fiance. I thank everyone for their wonderful comments about him. The thing that comes through time and time again is the honesty. No BS ever. He was the most honest man I ever knew. To the point where sometimes I would ask him to not be so honest! There were things I really didn’t need to know. But I finally realized that meant that this was someone I could trust completely. He was incredibly annoying at times, but incredibly loyal. I never worried for one second he would ever be unfaithful. And he was so unique and multifaceted. There will never be another like him.

    Tomorrow I begin the unenviable task of putting together a eulogy for this man. I will definitely be including some of these comments.

  15. I knew Steve for only a little over a year when he joined the band I was in to play his bass. I quickly loved hearing him talk and how he was always able to keep the peace when the rest of us became irritated with each other. He came to see me at a gig with a different band and I was looking forward to seeing him at many more and having a beer with him. Steve will be greatly missed, he was an awesome person. Thank you Steve for turning me onto Uncle Acid. He’s laughing now, I’m sorry to see you go buddy.
    Bill Lenny

  16. I’d thought I would share something Steve and I really enjoyed the past year or so. He talked me into going to a show, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats and a local band Ruby the Hatchet. We both like the heavy stuff so he didn’t have to twist my arm anymore. So going down to Philly to see more of the same were some great times, and he would talk some more friends into going along too. Graveyard, Spiders, Hound, Serpent Throne, Danava, The Shrine, Turbonegro, Uncle Acid again at the Stone Pony. We were gonna go see Radio Moscow last month but the damn Eagles had to go ahead and win the Superbowl- the show was the night of the celebration and we agreed downtown Philly might be too nuts. We had been talking about going to see Earthless later this month.

    Some of my best memories are of of Steve blurting out something outrageous over a microphone. I was lucky to have Steve as one of my oldest friends, and to be half of the rhythm section with him in a bunch of cover bands. He helped me get my job that I’ve had for many years, Thanks Steve

    I just pulled out the bottle of whiskey that he left here. I was saving it, but I had a shot, i don’t think he would mind …..

    • Robert you know he would want you to have that shot. Stupid Eagles parade. He really was looking forward to that show.

  17. He wasn’t a good businessman, I can tell you that.

    Several years ago, when he started working for a new stat provider, he called me to see if I would switch.

    “Maybe,” I said. “Depends on what you charge.”

    “How much are you paying now?”

    I told him.

    “That’s insane,” he said. “Who gave you that price?”

    You know the answer.

  18. Hi.. I thought I’d share the Eulogy I’ll be reading at the service today for Steve. This seems a fitting place for all those who loved Steve and Rock n Roll…..

    Roadrunner, roadrunner
    Going FASTER miles an hour…….With the radio On
    I’m love with modern moonlight …. I’m in love with modern rock & roll
    Don’t feel so alone, I got the radio on

    ….Johathan Richman & the Modern Lovers

    Steve Loved Modern Rock and Roll. Steve loved LOUD Rock and Roll. 
    No Matter the year or decade. He loved the new…
    He didn’t love the popular. He did not love the BANAL. He loved the
    Unloved, UNDESCOVERED Hidden Gem. He loved the Unloved. The Yet to be loved.

    Steve enjoyed nothing better than unearthing that hidden Gem.
    He loved to discover what others had missed, and he loved to
    Share his “new Love” with those he loved. 

    He was a giving person. When he discovered a new band, song, book, or movie, he’d freely buy copies for others to share – just so they could find the love and joy and he found and appreciate the new as he did. …
    Steve was in love with HIS modern World, his “Modern Rock n Roll, and he loved to Share it.

    He was a roadrunner, going FASTER miles an HOUR…with the radio on……

    We both loved Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust LP , Mutually in our top 10 LPs of all time
    There’s a Starman waiting in the sky …He’d like to come and meet us
    But he thinks he’d blow our minds

    …. David Bowie

    Steve wasn’t afraid to die. And for all of us, Steve’s passing has come
    much too soon. But, Steve believed a better life was waiting on the other side.

    Steve and I would have many talks & debates about the meaning of life and death.
    When around friends, at parties, after a few cocktails Steve would break out is Famous toast..

    “…Onwards, towards Death.”   Steve knew dying was just as much a part of life as living – he wasn’t afraid to die. It was just another New adventure
    Another new Quest, another New experience…

    So while we grieve of losing him too soon, find peace knowing he’s just on
    Another quest for the new… not of the tangible , but for all that lies hereafter…

    Imagine Steve talking to all his great Rock Icons.  All the people
    who inspired him to search, to reach, to share his love for the new.

    David Bowie, Mark Bolan, BONZO, and Every single RAMONE (even Johnny) to name a few

    I Wanna Rock and Roll all Night, and Party Every Day…


    Nobody enjoyed being round friends and having a good time more than Steve.
    He longed to get together, to reminisce, and to share new stories and old.
    To catch up and talk about new things but also OLD THINGS. Things we talked about a million
    times before, it never got old for Steve. He just loved being around friends and reliving old
    Traditions as well as starting New Traditions. Such as our pet names for Hypnotic and Rum Chata.

    One Grand old Tradition was “THE BRAG BOOK”. Nobody loved “THE BRAG BOOK” more than Steve.

    The Brag book was a cheap little memento scrap type book you could get at any Woolworths back in the day —- It’s cheap little plastic sleeves filled with memories of our youth gathered over 30+ years.

    Some Memories a little Racy, some laugh out loud funny, and others that only made Steve Laugh.
    …… and Laugh he did.. EVERY TIME!

    Well… Steve Saved one BRAG BOOK entry for me, one more little poke, letting me know he’s still around…. It was right after learning of his Passing from Samantha

    Amy and I got off the phone with Sam and after a good cry we sat numb in front of the TV.
    We had been watching re-runs of the whole “LEAVE IT TO BEAVER” Series starting from the 1st episode.
    So half paying attention, still numb, the TV starts the next episode, probably episode 100 or something.
    Wally brings home an odd new friend, one never seen on the show before. The friend walks with Wally to the front door dressed, on a sunny day, in a Black Raincoat and hat.
    Of Course Beaver is there to greet them at the door. Upon opening the door Beaver blurts out….
    ….. WHO DIED!!!
    I sat looking at the TV, in a haze, and I said outloud…… Steve Died Beaver…
    Steve Died…. And he will be Missed….

  19. This is sad news. I met Steve at the 2nd Annual Stats Convention in 1993. I was there as a reporter and he convinced me to try playing fantasy baseball. I joined the Mike Schmidt League at BJFB. I later met him again at a First Pitch conference. For the record, the Mike Schmidt League still lives at CBS Fantasy. We still have several of the league members from when Steve was one. RIP Brother Steve.

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