I found myself quoting this song to my internet service provider today. Bye bye Spectrum.
Which reminds me that this is a cover. The Pioneers version is great, but a little different. Maybe that’s the change of islands.
On YouTube there are also versions of the song by George Acard and George Dekkard that seem to be the Pioneers version. Can’t have too much of a good thing.
And little enough of crappy Spectrum internet.
Ps. The Selecter version of the tune is credited to Petty Harding, and is called Everyday, while the Pioneers much earlier version is called Time Hard.
Is it coincidence that Petty Hardin are the songwriters of Buddy Holly’s much different classic tune Everyday?
What is weird is that in the Wikipedia page’s exhaustive list of Pioneers singles, Time Hard isn’t listed.
But in a footnote the Selecter are credited with covering Time Hard as Everyday.
All Music credits the song to Composed by George Agard / Jackie Robinson / Sydney Crooks
In the UK the song was credited to George Dekker, the band’s lead singer.
What a mess. I suspect some royalties are owed somewhere. Or everywhere.
“Everyday things are getting worse” is the perfect theme for our musical times.
Love the Pioneers’ giant, non-pointy collars.