Joan Jett turns a world on with her smile.

I posted here about a Husker Du cover the Mary Tyler Moore show theme song a few years ago. Not sure why, at that point.

This week, Mary Tyler Moore died. Which is a reason think about her. That is why we die, right? We hope someone thinks about us.

In my life I thought a lot about Mary Tyler Moore. I loved the Dick Van Dyke show, I loved the Mary Tyler Moore Show, I liked that she made an issue of Pale Male. MTM ranks in my pantheon of cultural gods, a list I should probably inscribe on the surface of excellent knishes. Or something.

Enjoy the clip, which I think shows just how essential Joan Jett is and how unfortunately that didn’t change the world.

2 thoughts on “Joan Jett turns a world on with her smile.

  1. I remember as a little kid, watching the Dick Van Dyke Show beginning until he’d inevitably trip over the ottoman. Then I’d lose interest and turn something else on or walk away. Never was into MTM Show either. Perhaps I was too immature for the complex back-themes. Probably I am still.

    This typical, shitty, monotone blase “punk” cover (Joan Jett’s entire career) does indeed show just how essential she is.

    Joan Jett’s Greatest Achievements:

    1) Getting a really good, cohesive album out of the trainwreck that was The Germs.

    2) Having good taste in music.

    Plenty of folks can claim #2. (Well, maybe not as plenty as I’d like.)

  2. Damn you are harsh, Steve. Joan does a fun cover of the Tyler Moore theme, and also has some major importance in Rock history by being in the Runaways with Lita Ford, making them really the first gurrrrrrl band for sure.

    And, she is punky with a pop feel, hardly a straight punk and is just fine by me, and i would guess probably she is brainier than you give her credit for.

    As for the DVD show, how about the point a few seasons in where Rob started side stepping the ottoman? That faked us all out. I was too old to be an MTM/Newhart fan of the first show. I was a hippie teen and did not watch TV those days.

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