Friend of the remnants, Evan Davies, the WFMU DJ, is traveling around the UK buying records. Today he posted yesterday’s haul, which like his excellent radio show was an eclectic mix of punk and rock and novelties. One band name jumped out at me: The Stinking Polecats. Who?
It’s an excellent name and a quick survey at YouTube revealed a pop punk guitar band with an excellent attack and a bit too much (for my taste) of that cute uplifted voice in the vocals, like the theme song from Friends and a million other bands of their time. Which was from 1996 or so until 2006, when they stopped updating their blog.
There isn’t much out there about them, but Googling revealed that the Stinking Polecats, who sound 100 percent USA, were Italians from Piacenza, which is south of Milan. Plus, the chorus seems to be, “She was reading, and my heart was beating so fast.”
Not bad, not bad.