There are some reasons to grok ZZ Top. Or dig, if you prefer.
Hard guitar sounds and rockin’ blues are virtues. But this cover of the Beatles hit, by the Moving Sidewalks, which included Billy Gibbons, is an excellent reason to question his taste and ideas.
The Beatles wrote a great pop hit song. The Moving Sidewalks take that song and add a lot of Hendrix moves that add, um, zilch. Right?
Comment if you disagree, but this is so profoundly awful it can’t go uncommented on.
I definitely don’t hate this as much as you, but I can’t say I like it either. Reminds me of a poor man’s Blue Cheer “Summertime Blues.”
I never understood how genius Billy Gibbons could stand his monotonous beardy-twirly guitars hits after the brilliance of the early ZZ Top stuff.
It’s awfully funny but not as good as Vanilla Fudge:
Gene nails it with his Fudge. Don’t hate it, but it does very little for me.