3 thoughts on “ART: Teens Moshing

  1. Moshing is so tired at this point. I kind of thought it was tired in 1988.

    A big tired mosh moment of mine was years ago when my oldest daughter’s tee ball coach bragged about he and his wife going in the mosh pit at some show they went to. I was thinking to myself, “You don’t even have the right to know those words.”

    Taylor Swift probably moshes now. With Lorde.

    • Moshing is dead, but moshing should never die. I’m not sure the kids in those pictures are actually moshing. In fact I’m sure they’re not, they’re just joshing really. But they are watching the show and they are feeling it. Or the pictures make me imagine how I might have felt when I was feeling it, only prettier. Them, I mean.

      The thing is, moshing isn’t going away. I found this list of the top nine dubstep mosh pits. If you’re interested.

      I particularly like the introduction. The clips are more sociological than shocking.

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