Breakfast Blend: White Reggae (and Wingless Angels)

Just an excuse to listen to Dreadlock Holiday.

10cc – dreadlock holiday by gazaw

Which is pretty amazing. The most literal video is also the most ironic. I’m not sure Wolfman Jack would approve.

Keith, on the other hand. moved to Jamaica at some point, and ended up having a band of local musicians record as Wingless Angels.

The beauty of Keef’s album with Wingless Angels is it really is the music his Jamaican neighbors/friends/accomplices played. As he says in his book, you can hear the crickets. This is way closer to the gospel of Rastafari than that of Island Records and the international hit machine’s embrace of the Island.

There are virtues and tradeoffs either way, compromises explicit and implicit.

In the end, it comes down the music.

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