Night Music: Plastic Bertrand, “C’est plane pour moi” October 14, 2013 by peter As a comrade heads to Europe for the first time, maybe he’ll make his way to Belgium, where the punk rock is like popcorn. Or was. Bon voyage! Share this:FacebookLinkedInEmailTwitterMoreTumblrPinterestReddit
I think it’s just a cover with more vulgar lyrics, although it came out during the same period as the original. I’m pretty sure “C’est plane pour moi” means “This life’s for me” or something close, not “He gives me head.” Reply
We always listened to this more:
Is this a cover? Translation?
I think it’s just a cover with more vulgar lyrics, although it came out during the same period as the original. I’m pretty sure “C’est plane pour moi” means “This life’s for me” or something close, not “He gives me head.”
Plastic Bertand’s song is featured in a commercial.