Essential Steve Moyer: The Rest of His Best

Steve Moyer got this ball rolling with his all time list of top 20 albums. He added 30 more to create his Top 50, which he proudly points out is quite unlike any boring same old list of rock fuddy duddies. I don’t think he said “fuddy duddies.”

21. Fucked Up, David Comes To Life — Got this when my wife started playing head games with me and I can’t listen to it anymore. But you can. Hate to admit it, but a little like U2 gone hardcore.

22. Hellacopters, By The Grace Of God — The best of the more restrained post-Dregen Hellacopters.
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Essential Remnants: #1! Elvis Costello, This Year’s Model

The lyrics sneer right along with the music. For forlorned teen lovers forever and always. (MS) One of the all-time openers: “No Action.” (GM) The first five Costello albums are uniformly brilliant. No bad songs. This one is the first that is all Attractions, and it kills. (PK) Oh, Elvis was still angry, but he channeled it all here, and began to show how much more he was than just mad. (LM)

Essential Remnants: #3. The Beatles, Revolver

Kids: Don’t do drugs unless you’re the Beatles. Paul dominates here. (MS) Yesterday or Today was the elpee where I discovered the Beatles were more than just popular, but Revolver is stonger still. (PK) I wouldn’t argue if you call this their best, but I hear the seeds of them starting to take themselves very seriously, with lesser results. (GM)

Essential Remnants: #4. The Rolling Stones, Beggars Banquet

But at the same time they couldn’t resist a few fuck you’s. (GM) Blues meets country meets rock in maybe the best amalgamation of all. (LM) Too many choices for the Stones. This is the one I play most, perhaps, with Exile and Black and Blue and Between the Buttons and On Her Satanic Majesty’s Request right behind. (PK)

Essential Remnants: #7. The Pretenders, Pretenders

Chrissie Hynde can kick your ass. But underneath it, wonderfully crafted songs and beautiful, yet passionate singing. (MS) I want Chrissie Hynde to walk on me with spiky heels every time I listen to this record. (LM) The first few records are as good as anyone made. These were great musicians with a fabulous eccentric songwriter, but unfortunately drugs shut them down. But when they played, they were magnificent.(PK)

Essential Remnants: #8. David Bowie, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars

Hate being so obvious with Bowie. Best guitar work in his catalog by underrated Mick Ronson. (MS) There were other pioneer oddball rockers, but never better than this. (SM) Ziggy was great, but the vastly underated Mick Ronson made this baby burn. (LM)