The Pretty Little Demons named Alison Mosshart one of their heroes. Mosshart was in the Kills, a rock band with a DIY vibe and spare sounds that included the guitarist James Hince and a drum machine and recorded from 2001 to 2011. Their last tour was opening for Queens of the Stone Age a few years ago, though they’re also reportedly working on a new elpee.
In 2009 Mosshart started the Dead Weather with Jack White, Dean Fertita and Jack Lawrence. Like so much of Jack White’s ouvre, the cuts I’ve listened to from the Dead Weather have some great moments (the guitar solo in this one is solid), but the rock just doesn’t swing, it’s all fits and starts, angles and changes. If you can’t sing or dance along, and it doesn’t make you shout with it into the dark night, is it really rocking?